Herbal Flower Teas

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Throughout long and cold winter urge to drink a cup of hot tea appears several times a day: at work, at home or even during a party. Therefore, regular tea quickly become boring, moreover, very often there is no benefit except for a warming effect. But if you add some dried flowers, you greatly enrich the taste of tea, and your body receives tonic, calming or healing effect. Flower teas normalize the work of all human organs, cleanse the body and promote weight loss, so such teas are particularly loved by women.

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It should be noted that even the tea aroma is important. Flower additives give the tea a hint of aristocracy, they soften its bluff smell, but do not drown it. Flowering tea with flowers goes back to the ancient practices of mankind.

Top 3 of the most delicious and healthy flower teas

1. One of the most fragrant and popular teas is the one with jasmine flowers. The homelandof this drink is considered to be China's Fujian Province, where it is cooked since ancient times. Jasmine, which is the basis of tea, can help relieve stress and calm the nervous system, rejuvenate the body and improve sleep. Also, this tea cleanses the kidneys and has a positive effect on the liver, reducing negative impact of fast food. Honey and lemon are not recommended for combining with jasmine tea, so as not to kill its delicate taste.

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2. The second place among fans of teas is taken by chamomile tea. Its aroma reminds of summer meadows. But most of all the useful properties of this tea are appreciated. Chamomile is widely used in untraditional and official medicine. Chamomile tea drink is used against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach cramps and liver diseases. This herbal tea also has a strong antiseptic effect; it helps with the inflammation of the gums. Strawberries or raspberries spice the taste of chamomile tea up.

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3. The third favorite tea among tealovers is the drink from the flowers of linden trees. It has a pleasant smell and taste, but the main thing is that it is an excellent remedy for colds, because linden flowers contain vitamin C and minerals, they cause antipyretic effect and help with coughing. Enhance the effect of the drink by adding a spoon of honey or lemon slice. Tea made from linden flowers can be drunk for the prevention of influenza. And also it helps to mitigate the pain of various origins, especially joint pain and headache.

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What other flowers can be used in tea-making?

It is possible to add petals of "the queen of flowers" - roses. It turns out to be a drink reminiscent of red tea by color and taste. The tea of rose petals is also therapeutic, it is effective in acute respiratory diseases, gastritis and gastric ulcer. In addition, tea on the basis of rose petals is an unrivaled aphrodisiac.

Tea from chrysanthemum flowers is considered to be a storehouse of nutrients. It will help you:

  • normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieve headaches;
  • improve the performance of the organs of vision.

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Another great drink is tea with lavender. After drinking a cup of this hot drink before sleeping you will feel an incredible peace and pacification. Moreover, at night you will see sweet dreams, even if previously suffered from insomnia. Herbal tea of lavender flowers is a great way to remove stomach cramps and spasms, as well as it is a remedy for nausea.

Now you know that the flowers teas are not only delicious and aromatic, but also are good for health. In summer, do not forget to gather up flowers from your garden and properly dry them in order to enjoy the delicious taste of warm tea in winter.

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