Mehendi art: style and application technique

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According to many historians, the custom of henna painting on the body, which is called Mendy (mehendi) was born about five thousand years ago in ancient Egypt. Queens and pharaohs painted their hands and nails with various symbols, and Egyptians believed that such drawings helped to protect  from evil spirits and the machinations of enemies.

But over time, mehendi spread to other countries. It is believed that in India henna has become not just a fad, and a beautiful way to decorate your body and unquestioning rituals and traditions.

There are four styles of mehendi:

1. Arabic

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Henna painting in this style includes floral designs, which are very common in the Arab embroidery and painting. Typically, this style does not carry a specific conceptual patterning.

2. African (another name - Moroccan)

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African painting has significant differences from the previous style. It is performed strictly according to the shape of the hand (usually the inside of the palm of your hand), or feet and includes geometric shapes (sometimes there are floral motifs). Some of the African tribes completely fill in the feet and hands painted without decorative elements.

3. Indian

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This style is quite complex in its execution. Lace patterns are applied on the hands, face or feet - flowers and religious symbols. Indian women have decided to cover their bodies painted in honor of what some celebrations, such as weddings or folk festivals.

4. Asian

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Floral motifs, teardrop-shaped mural on the fingers and toes (or complete painting the side of the foot and hand) is a mixed style of India and the Middle East, which looks quite unusual.

Today mehendi is available for everyone pleasure in many European countries. Masters paintings offer a huge arsenal of different drawings. Europeans like to put classic styles and different patterns with elements of other colors.

Mehendi at home:

1. Before you apply paint to the body, it is necessary to clean the skin thoroughly, scrub it and moisturize with essential oil.

2. The hair on the place of drawing should be erased. Hair prevents the penetration of henna on the skin and spoils the properties of painted drawing. You do not want to receive the "highlights" of some part of the body? So you need to get rid of the hair.

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3. To apply the drawing gently on your own skin, use a water soluble paper or stencil. Draw patterns with special sticks. They are of two types: wood and metal. All of these supplies, including paint, you can buy in specialized stores (shops Indian and oriental goods).

4. Allow the tattoo to dry about eight hours, but each paint dries differently. Within two days drawing greatly darken and show its true colors.

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