Types of flowers: names, photos, feature

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The material was prepared with the assistance UFL - flower delivery in Kiev. Flowers come in thousands of different shapes and color combinations, each of which has its own name and classification. There are more than 350 thousand species of flowering plants, so there is sure to be a flower that will emphasize your unique personality! If that seems like too many for you, have no fear: here is a short list of some of the most popular flower types.


красные розы бутоны
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Roses are the most popular kinds of flowers. Their history is very colorful.

The history of the rose, as well as the flower itself, is very interesting. Roses have been growing naturally for over 35 million years! However, it was known that they were cultivated only about 5000 years ago. They began to be used not only as home decoration, but also for medicinal purposes, for making perfume, and their petals were even used as confetti for festive events.

Quickly submerging roses in water is the first step in caring for them. Fill the vase ¾ full with fresh, cool, clean water. Roses drink the water, absorbing nutrients that will rise to the flower and make it vibrant. Check the water level in your rose vase daily, and add more water if needed. Buy these classic flowers for Valentine's Day!

Rose bouquets: /roses


розовая крашеная гвоздика
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Pink carnations are a popular type of flower. They come in three different types.

Carnations come in three different types: single-headed carnations with large flowers, bush carnations and carnations with dwarf flowers. Carnations with large flowers can grow to over 50 centimeters tall with one large flower on the stem. They are also called flowering carnations. Bush carnations and dwarf carnations have smaller flowers but have several flowers on each stem. These carnations grow to 30 centimeters and are more common in gardens. When planting carnations, take care to plant them in well-drained soil and in areas with plenty of sunlight.

Carnations can have different meanings depending on their color - pink carnation symbolizes motherly love, white carnation means good luck, yellow carnation means disappointment, etc. Their versatility has made them extremely popular flowers for all occasions.

Carnation Bouquets: /cvety-gvozdika


желтая кустовая хризантема
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Chrysanthemums are a popular flower variety that originated in China over 3,000 years ago.

This culture originated in China over 3,000 years ago, and they have become a popular and beloved fall flower around the world. Thousands of varieties with unique flower shapes adorn home gardens, vases, flowerbeds and balconies from late summer to frost with their orange, red, yellow, purple or white blooms. Chrysanthemums are perennials that will bloom year after year if planted early in the season so they take root and can overwinter. In addition to beauty, chrysanthemum flowers can be used to make tea and the leaves can be eaten as salad greens.

Chrysanthemum Bouquets: /en/cvety-chrysanthemum


розовые пионы бутоны
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Peonies are internationally popular flowers that are also particularly loved in Ukraine and Russia, where everyone looks forward to the start of the local peony season, which usually falls in late May - early June and lasts up to a maximum of two months, depending on climate and weather conditions.

From white to red, coral, purple, pink and yellow, peonies can come in a variety of colors! The key to growing a blooming peony is making sure you plant it on time, plant it correctly, and of course, take care of it throughout the year, even when it's not yet in season for blooming. Since peonies can grow quite tall (sometimes even up to 1.5 meters tall), you need to make sure that the location you choose is spacious enough. And remember, peonies can bloom year after year, so you need to think long term.

Bouquets of peonies: /en/cvety-peony


альстромерия розовая цветы
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A popular flowering species of Peruvian lilies (alstromeria) native to South America.

Alstromerias are more commonly referred to as Peruvian lilies or Inca lilies in South America. Peruvian lilies come in a variety of warm colors such as pink and orange and symbolize friendship, wealth and loyalty. These flowers bloom in late spring to early summer when they are exposed to direct sunlight and receive weekly watering. 

Tip: water more often when you notice the soil looks dry, water less when the soil looks moist.

Alstromeria bouquets: /en/cvety-alstromerija


астра фиолетовая дождь
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Asters, a popular type of flower, which we consider fall flowers.

Most of these beautiful perennials are native to Eurasia, with only two from North America - asters from New York and New England. Their small flowers (2-2.5 cm) are star-shaped clusters of tightly arranged narrow petals of deep blue, purple, mauve, pink or white. They decorate the garden in late summer through fall and are great for attracting butterflies, bees and other pollinators. The word "aster" means star in Greek, and it's perfect for a bouquet for September s birthday, as well as 20th wedding anniversaries.


бело-розовая азалия цветок
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Azaleas, the popular flowers pictured here, bloom in late spring.

One of the hallmarks of late spring is the colorful azaleas blooming in yards and gardens. These familiar shrubs are either evergreen or deciduous, with an abundance of white, pink, red, orange, yellow or purple flowers covering the bushes. Azaleas prefer shady spots under trees and do well in acidic soil. But be careful - Azalea contains a poisonous substance related to neurotoxins.


лютик полевой желтый
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Buttercups, shown here are popular flower species that grow in countries in Asia, Europe and North America.

Buttercups are  wonderfully diverse wildflowers that grow in Asia, Europe, and North America with temperate climates. They can be perennial, biennial, or annual; and herbaceous, terrestrial or aquatic; and can be upright or creeping. They have reflective cells on their petals that make them glow the usual yellow color, but they can also be white, pink, or red. Although buttercups are cute and popular flowers, you should not forget that they re poisonous to humans and animals.

California poppy

калифорнийский мак эшшольция
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The California poppy is a popular species of flower that is the state flower of the Golden State in the United States.

This bright red, orange or yellow native plant, also known as the Golden Poppy, is the state flower of California. It is either an annual or perennial plant depending on the climate - annual in colder areas and perennial in warmer regions. The California poppy is a sun worshipper that opens its petals in the sun and closes them on cloudy days and at night. Native Americans used preparations from this plant to relieve anxiety and various pains, but unlike its brother, the opium poppy, it does not contain opiates.

Calla lilies

калла лилия розовая
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A popular floral species, Calla lilies are associated with faith and purity.

The Calla Lily is associated with faith and purity. For this reason, religious figures such as the Virgin Mary are often depicted with a bouquet of calla lilies. Calla lilies are also often associated with sympathy and rebirth, making them a popular flower for mourning. These beauties grow from full or partial sunlight, and should be planted in spring to bloom in late summer. With constant care, they can grow up to 150 centimeters long. Cut calla lilies can be kept in a vase for 2 weeks. Calla lilies are also often used in wedding bouquets.

Calla bouquets: /en/cvety-calla


цветы крокус фиолетовый
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Crocuses are popular flowers because they are among the first to appear in the spring.

For many of us, the first hint of spring is the little crocus breaking through the snow. Ninety species of these beautiful bulbs grow in North Africa and the Mediterranean, and as far east as China. Their cup-shaped flowers come in a variety of colors: pale purple, purple, white, yellow, and variegated, depending on the species and variety. Crocuses are grown not only for their cheerful blooms, but also for the stigmas of fall crocuses, which are harvested in Iran for a highly prized spice like saffron.


георгина бело-розовая цветок
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Dahlias, a popular variety of flowers that bloom brightly.

These bold flowers come in a variety of colors and can be easily incorporated into any existing or new garden. And, unlike most plants, these flowers do well in shade. They also bloom for a very long time, first blooming in mid-summer and lasting until the first frost. However, although dahlias are perennials, they have tuberous roots, so they should be replanted every spring after resting.


белая полевая ромашка
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Daisies are found on every continent except Antarctica and belong to one of the largest known plant families. Daisies symbolized innocence, a connotation that came from the Victorian era. Depending on what color the daisy is, the flower may have a different meaning. Chamomile flowers prefer open sun and average soil conditions. Depending on the species, they can grow up to 120-150 centimeters.

Care tip: Water only in summer, only if there is less than 2 centimeters of rainfall per week.

Bouquets of daisies: /en/cvety-romashki


желтый нарцисс цветы
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Daffodils have many names depending on the species and variety - daffodils, jonquils or snow-white daffodils, but they are all daffodils and they all belong to the genus Narcissus. These cheerful flowers are perennial bulbs that will multiply every year in the garden if they have good soil with good drainage. They are frost resistant and contain natural pesticides, so few insects bother them except those that pollinate the flower stalks. Daffodils are the national flower of Wales and the 10th anniversary bouquet.

Daffodil bouquets: /en/cvety-narcissus


голубой дельфиниум букет
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Blue delphiniums, a popular type of flower pictured here, are often referred to as viviparous.

Delphinium, often called bellyflower, is an herbaceous perennial plant with tall spikes of blue or purple flowers. It is indispensable in English cottage gardens and is often used in florists' bouquets because of its height and bright blue and purple flowers, and varieties are in white, red and even yellow tones. West Coast Native Americans are said to have used the flowers to make blue and purple colors. Delphiniums are a beautiful accent in the garden, but don't let them run wild in pastures - they are very toxic to humans and animals.

Dusty Miller

зелень дасти миллер
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Dusty millerias, the popular flower species pictured here, are known for their openwork silver-gray foliage.

Dusty miller is a semi-evergreen perennial that is prized for its lacy silver-gray foliage. It is usually grown as a bedding plant or in vases, where it plays the role of a light accent against a background of darker plants. It blends especially beautifully with pink, reddish-purple or purple flowers. Dusty miller grows best in direct sunlight and easily tolerates the heat and drought that typify its native Mediterranean environment habitat.


белая гардения цветок
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Pictured here are gardenias, a popular flower variety. They are best known for their fragrant white flowers. The photo was taken at the Sochi Arboretum.

Gardenias are best known for their fragrant, waxy white flowers that can liven up a garden. Depending on your geographic location (and personal preference), you can decide whether your gardenia will live indoors or outdoors. To keep your gardenias blooming throughout the growing season, keep the soil well-drained and maintain a pH of 4.5 to 5.5 whether they are planted in a pot or outside in the garden. These plants also need plenty of water, so never let your gardenia dry out - water regularly.


цветок красной герани
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Red geraniums, the popular flower species pictured here, are native to South Africa and Australia.

What we call geraniums are actually in the genus Pelargonium and are tropical perennials native to South Africa and Australia. Our familiar garden geranium is grown outdoors as an annual in temperate zones and can be moved indoors for the winter or grown as a year-round indoor plant. The beautiful groups of flowers come in red, pink, salmon, white, purple or bi-colors, and some species and varieties also have fragrant leaves with a surprising number of uses. Geraniums with fragrant leaves are used in perfumes, potpourri and aromatherapy, as insect repellents (such as citronella) and for flavorings such as rose, lemon and mint.

Gerbera daisies

красные герберы цветы
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The gerberas pictured here the fifth most popular flower in the world.

The fifth most popular flower in the world, the gerbera daisy comes in all the colors of the rainbow, including pink, orange, yellow and red. The gerbera was discovered in 1884 in South Africa, then brought to England where breeders grew a variety of gerberas that featured brighter colors and a more robust quality. Gerbera's popularity gradually spread to the Netherlands, which became one of the largest distributors of gerbera daisies in the world - a title she still enjoys today. Its bright petals make it a favorite flower to celebrate every happy occasion, from birthdays to weddings.

Bouquets of gerberas: /cvety-gerbera


ирис синий садовый
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Iris, the popular flower pictured here, is native to Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, Asia and North America.

Elegant irises are native to Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, Asia and North America. They grow from either perennial rhizomes or bulbs, and range in size from 20 to 90 centimeters tall, with flat, sword-shaped or curved leaves, and purple, yellow, orange, blue or white flowers, depending on the species and variety. . Rhizomes of some species of iris are called iris root and are used in perfumery and for potpourri. They are the state flower of Tennessee, the 25th wedding anniversary flower, and the national symbol of France, the heraldic lily, a graphic representation of the iris.

Iris Bouquets: /en/cvety-iris


лаванда цветы поле
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The popular lavender flower variety pictured here has soothing scents, fragrances and beauty.

Spanish, French or English lavender are garden's favorite sweet herbs that provide soothing aromas, fragrance and beauty in small floral packages. More than 40 species grow in areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea and are semi-evergreen perennials or semi-shrubs with gray-green, hairy, linear leaves and purple, violet, lavender or pinkish-white flowers. Tiny glands on the plant's flowers, leaves and stems produce a fragrant oil that is used in perfumes, bath products, lavender water and in aromatherapy to relieve stress and anxiety and induce sleep. Lavender is also valued as a flavoring in cooking, as an ingredient in tea and as a monofloral honey.

Lavender Bouquets: /en/cvety-lavanda


цветы розовая лилия
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Pink lilies are some of the most versatile flower varieties in the world. This flower variety is known for its wide range of colors.

Lilies are some of the most popular and versatile flowers in the world. Available in a variety of colors and known for their strong fragrance, this elegant flower is a show-stopper in its own right, as well as the perfect addition to any bouquet. In fact, lilies are some of the most popular flowers in the world, and it's not hard to see why. There are over 100 different species of true lilies that belong to the genus "lilium". Lilies are predominant in the Northern Hemisphere of the world.

Lily bouquets: /en/tsvety-lilies


оранжевые бархатцы чернобрывцы
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Velvet, a popular type of flower, usually comes in orange and gold. These flowers symbolize wealth and the will to succeed.

Beautifully orange and gold marigolds are known to symbolize the pursuit of wealth and success. They are so brightly colored that their pigments are also used in the textile and food industries! Velvets are a versatile flower - they can also be used when mourning the loss of a loved one or when honoring those who have passed away.


белые орхидеи фаленопсис
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Orchids, a popular flower, are some of the oldest flowers known to man.

Did you know that orchids are one of the oldest flowering plants known to man? Scientists have suggested that orchids evolved about 100 million years ago. With over 30,000 species of orchids, some of the most popular types include phalaenopsis orchid, dendrobium orchid, cattleya orchid and vanilla orchid. Orchids usually represent love, fertility, thoughtfulness and enchantment. However, each variety of these flower species has its own color that has its own meaning. Phalaenopsis orchids symbolize health and prosperity, while dendrobium orchids represent wisdom and beauty. Cymbidium orchids symbolize strength and nobility, while oncidium orchids symbolize love and talent.

Orchid Bouquets: /orhidei


барвинок фиолетовый садовый
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Perwinkles, the popular variety of flowers pictured here, are also known as myrtles.

Barberry, also known as myrtle, is a popular groundcover with shiny dark green leaves that bloom in April and May with purple, blue or white flowers. There are over 30 varieties of this small plant, including those with variegated leaves and lavender, blue, burgundy and white flowers. They are great for erosion control, dropping from stone walls in full sun or spreading under shade trees. Barberry is the flower of sweet and sad memories and is often planted over graves.


петунья садовая горшок
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Petunias, a popular type of flower pictured here, are a staple of old school gardens and hanging pots.

The vivacious petunia, a staple of old-fashioned gardens, vases and hanging pots, is more vibrant than ever with red, yellow, pink, purple, lavender, white, variegated or striped flowers. These are reliable flowers that will bloom from spring to fall if grown in full sun and continually fall. Many of them feel sticky to the touch because of the sap that is secreted from the plant tissues to protect them from insect pests. Petunias originate from South America and are related to tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and tobacco.



белые ранункулюсы лютики
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Ranunculus, the popular flower species pictured here, is a variety of Persian buttercups.

Ranunculus flowers are a variety of large showy Persian buttercups that grow from claw-shaped tubers and come in a variety of bright colors. Their layers of glossy, paper-thick petals give the flowers a rose-like appearance, which is great for wedding bouquets or cut flowers for long-lasting flowers. Ranunculus are not usually grown in home gardens, but they may well be. Southern gardeners can plant the tubers in the fall for spring blooms, and northern gardeners can plant in early spring for summer blooms.


Lion's yawn

розовые цветы львиный зев
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Lion's Zew, the popular flower species pictured here, grows in the United States and Europe.

Lion's yawn flowers, shaped like small dragon faces, are native to the United States, North Africa, and Europe and have been a widespread bouquet for centuries. Their flowers bloom from bottom to top on tall stems in summer and fall and come in yellow, peach, pink, orange, purple, red, white, and bicolor. Lion's зев is picky about its pollinators! Large bumblebees are the only insects strong enough to open the upper and lower lips of the lion's zebra flower to climb inside to drink the nectar and accidentally cover themselves in pollen.


букет подсолнухов цветы
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Sunflowers, a popular type of flower, are known for their dazzling yellow blossoms and large size, shown in this photo.

Sunflowers are one of the most popular types of flowers, best known for their dazzling yellow color and large size. Sunflowers usually symbolize adoration, loyalty and longevity in the language of flowers. Native Americans view sunflowers as a symbol of harvest and bounty, as the flower provides seeds and pigments, as well as being visually beautiful. Sunflowers need direct sunlight 6 to 8 hours a day and hot conditions to bloom well. Sunflowers also have long roots, so the soil needs to be well dug and not too dense for growth. Avoid over-fertilizing or you risk breaking the stems in the fall.

Sunflower Bouquets: /en/cvety-podsolnukh


белый тюльпан мохровый
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There are over 150 species of tulips and over 3,000 different varieties.

There are over 150 species of tulips and over 3,000 different varieties that belong to the lily family. Like most common flowers, tulips come in a variety of colors, each with a different meaning. As a signal of the arrival of spring, these flowers are often associated with the Easter holiday. At one point, tulips were more expensive than gold in Holland during the "tulip mania" period, and their popularity only grew over time! Tulip bulbs should be planted in the fall in areas where they can receive partial or full sun. Tulips do better in soil that allows for drainage, as excessive watering will cause the bulb and roots to drown.

Tulip Bouquets: /en/tsvety-tulips


цветок голубая фиалка
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The popular flowering violets grow mainly in the temperate northern hemisphere.

There are over 500 species of these cheerful little wildflowers, mostly in the temperate northern hemisphere, that appear in lawns, woods, streams and hillsides. True violets are annuals, perennials or even small shrubs with white, yellow, lavender or purple flowers. Our garden pansies are also violets, but are larger variegated varieties of a European flower known as hartseed. The violet is the flower of February and the state flower of Illinois, New Jersey and Wisconsin.


красная цинния цветок
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Zinnias, a popular flower variety, are often grown in beginner's gardens.

Colorful, easy-to-grow zinnias are a novice gardener's dream. They can be seeded from the last frost to early summer, and will bloom steadily throughout the season if the dying flowers are deadheaded - really a "cut and come again" flower. They are annual herbaceous plants native to Mexico, South America and the southwestern United States, varying in height, with showy single, semi-marginal or terry flowers 1 to 7 inches in diameter. Zinnias are ideal for the butterfly garden, with their red, pink, purple, yellow, white or orange flowers that attract pollinators of all species, including hummingbirds.


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Eustoma, also known as Iris Grassa or Lysianthus, is a beautiful flowering plant that can make a great addition to a bouquet or become a stand-alone element of a floral design.

Eustomas have graceful and graceful flowers, often single or gathered in inflorescences. They are available in a wide range of colors, including shades of pink, purple, white and blue. However, pink and purple shades of eustomas are the most common.

Video of all colors in 8k ULTRA hd 



Author: Maria Svetlovir

Author Maria Svetlovyr
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 Maria Svetlovyr graduated from the Kiev National Institute of Biology and Medicine with honors in 2001 with a B.S. in biology and an M.S. in horticulture. She has worked in plant systematics, written and edited gardening books and plant articles, and currently works in a garden center helping clients with plant questions, transplanting, and care. She is also published in Encyclopedia of the Plant World and others.

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