Allow us to introduce you to our charming White Cloud bouquet. This unique ensemble of flowers is assembled with special attention to detail, making it the perfect gift for any special occasion.
The bouquet harmoniously combines five branches of astilbe, giving the composition tenderness and lightness, with three white peonies, adding luxury and elegance. White eustoms and bush cream roses enhance the feeling of freshness and purity, while limonium and greenery add texture and dynamics to the composition. All of these flowers are carefully packed to accentuate the natural beauty of the bouquet.
The height of the bouquet is 35 cm, which makes it compact and easy to carry and store. This bouquet is perfect as a gift for a mother, girlfriend, friend, woman or colleague. It can also be a great way to say "I'm sorry," "I miss you," or just to please a loved one on their birthday.
A white cloud is more than just a gift. It is an expression of your feelings and caring, wrapped in beautiful flowers.
Go to buy peonies Ternopol