❀ large bouquets of roses REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA

Selection by parameters
5 cm
200 cm
Flowers count
1 pc
1001 pc
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To person
  • 10101-1098-3

    Bought: 3


    151 red roses red rose (151 pcs.), oasis, packaging, ribbon

    60798 грн 79037

  • 10100-1098-3

    Bought: 15


    101 red roses in a box oasis, round box XXL 30x50cm, rose (101 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    38095 грн 57143

  • 10083-1098-3

    Bought: 26


    Promo! 101 red roses red rose (101 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    40019 грн 48023

  • 6496-1098-3

    Bought: 8

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    101 white roses Bouquet of 101 white roses is a dazzling dream of all the beautiful women!

    38506 грн 57759

  • 10302-1098-3

    Bought: 8

    101 roses Jumilia 101 roses Jumilia - Состав: Rose Jumilia 50-60 cm, Wrapping 3 m, Tape for flowers.

    36075 грн

  • 8213-1098-3

    Bought: 1

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    Magic ball of 303 roses cream rose (101 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    99336 грн

  • 8313-1098-3

    Bought: 9


    101 multi-colored rose rose (101 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    36075 грн 55556

  • 9679-1098-3

    Bought: 1

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    Bouquet 101 white roses white rose (101 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    40083 грн 78563

  • 2977-1098-3

    Bought: 2

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    Magic volcano pink rose (101 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    35786 грн 39365

  • 10161-1098-3

    Bought: 1


    201 roses in a box box, oasis, rose (201 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    80096 грн 160192

  • 9168-1098-3

    Bought: 1

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    101 light-red roses rose (101 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    33542 грн 46959

  • 8332-1098-3

    Bought: 1


    Multicolored roses 101 pcs rose (101 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    39121 грн 60246

  • 8744-1098-3

    Bought: 3

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    Rose rhapsody hypericum, rose (131 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    55604 грн

  • 2933-1098-3

    Bought: 3

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    101 multicolored roses hypericum (10 pcs.), red rose (35 pcs.), coral rose (35 pcs.), yellow rose (31 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    39019 грн 65552

  • 6294-1098-3

    Bought: 2

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    Big rose bouquet pink rose (35 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    22434 грн 37689

  • 6495-1098-3

    Bought: 3

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    101 red-and-white roses white rose (45 pcs.), packaging, ribbon; red rose (56 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    33285 грн 51259

  • 9554-1098-3

    Bought: 1

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    175 multi-colored roses rose (41 pcs.), orange rose, yellow rose, coral rose, pink rose, packaging, ribbon

    84290 грн

  • 8259-1098-3

    Bought: 1

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    101 red rose rose (101 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    29726 грн 62425

  • 5777-1098-3

    Bought: 1

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    Seduction (101 roses) rose (101 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    33542 грн 51655

  • 9750-1098-3

    Bought: 4

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    101 red roses El-Toro rose (101 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    35786 грн 75151

  • 7212-1098-3

    Bought: 1

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    101 creamy roses cream rose (101 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    35786 грн 60120

  • 6883-1098-3

    Bought: 1

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    Queen red rose (33 pcs.), packaging, ribbon

    32387 грн

  • 10391-1098-3

    Bought: 3


    51 pink spray roses rose (51 pcs.), packaging, ribbon


  • 403-1098-3

    Bought: 2

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    Rose heart (145 roses) rose (145 pcs.), oasis, packaging, ribbon


  • 7562-1098-3

    Bought: 1

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    101 pink rose jumilia rose (101 pcs.), packaging, ribbon


  • 2784-1098-3

    Bought: 1

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    Angel heart 75 roses coral rose (75 pcs.), oasis, packaging, ribbon


  • 5556-1098-3

    Bought: 1

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    Іmmense tenderness Іmmense tenderness - Состав: Roses white local up to 60cm, Oasis, Box M.



Address: UA, Сape Town
Telephone: +380 68 390 9090
E-mail: info@u-f-l.net
Mon-Sun: 8:00-21:00
Сape Town — Courier delivery 391 грн

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